February Update

On our way to NY!

 ~ Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. ~ 

Romans 3:24

Dear Friends and Family,

February has been a beautiful month for our family! We hope it has been for yours, as well

10 months
11 months
Nathaniel has grown a lot in these last two months; he is now walking and showing 7 teeth! It is a huge blessing how he plays quietly by himself at home when there is work to be done and is sleeping through the night a little more.

Playing a game with Nana.

Showing off his steps for Papa!

Some of you may have already seen on Facebook that Nathaniel and Megan were fortunate to escape two of the coldest weeks of February in Maine by visiting some of our family in New York and Virginia. Benjamin was able to take a long weekend off of work and be part of visiting our Mom and Dad in NY, also. We really regretted not seeing them during the holiday season and desired to satisfy our longing. As usual, we had a lovely visit and Nathaniel greatly enjoyed spending time with his Nana and Papa and showing off his new steps.

Playing with cousins Alyssa and Nicholas <3

So warm outside!

Sitting with Auntie Shannon at Auntie Autumn's house.

The boys. It doesn't seem long ago
when Brennan was Nathaniel's age! 
Wasn't sure if I was going to
be able to bring him back home!

First trip to the Smithsonian for some here. So good to hear the children refuting evolution.

Nathaniel also took his first plane ride and was able to visit 3 aunties and 7 cousins while in Virginia! We were so kindly hosted for the whole 10 days and had so much fun making memories and playing outside in the "winter." Despite the fun, it was wonderful to come home to Maine and be reunited as a family. Sadly, we caught a bunch of germs on the flight home, but God has been so faithful in healing us and letting us rest and now we are ready to step back into the swing of things.

Noah was on school vacation when we got back. He brought bubbles!!

That swing does seem to be winding down lately. The young women's Bible study has come to an end of the material they were studying and the men's Bible study will soon. Currently, we are planning a service trip for one week to Megan's old school in Bowie, TX, at the beginning of April. The goal will be to assist in any way possible as a family while there. Benjamin is especially hoping to put some of his carpentry skills to use. We will be spending a week of vacation on the Massachusetts Cape with Benjamin's family after our week in Texas is over.

A lady from our church wanted to surprise babysit for us one night and send us out to dinner! It was Family Night and we didn't want to leave Nathaniel so she ordered us pizza!! This was an incredibly huge blessing and show of love. <3

The house we were hoping to buy and fix turned out not to be God's will for the present. A friend looked at it with us and helped us to decide that it is too big a wreck to be a good first home to fix up and rent. We are still keeping our eye out for a property that might work to fix up and use as an income rental, thinking this would be a good asset to have if Benjamin were to go back to Bible school.

Benjamin was given the opportunity to present slides of our tour of Israel at church one Wednesday night.

Taking Bible classes is an interest that is still on Benjamin's heart, but we are waiting for God to make His will and way clear. Benjamin is also thinking of looking for a new job that will give him the same income without having to work so much overtime. Megan is also keeping here ears open for positions that will allow her to bring in some income while still caring for her family first.

This is how moms lesson plan.

Please pray for our future steps:

1) That we would be diligent to continue building the habit of prayer together.

2) That with our individual Bible studies coming to a close we would have willing hearts and eyes to see how God may like to use us next.

3) That God would direct Benjamin concerning employment and education.

4) That God would give us a united vision for this coming year.

Thank you for your prayers! Our family's desire continues to be growing in and serving the Lord, together, as one. We are so thankful for the good reports we hear from our friends and hope that God's blessing continues upon you.

With Love,

Benjamin, Megan & Nathaniel McEndarfer

 P.S. - Following is a devotional thought from Benjamin!

Each week I have the opportunity to teach Sunday school to 3 boys, ages 4-8. This past week was on Genesis 6-9, Noah and the ark. Instead of reading from the available children’s Bible, I like to read straight from the Word of God and explain some details that are often omitted in children’s lessons. This week, while explaining how big the ark was and how Noah took seven of every clean animal, one of the boys let me know that my factual lesson was a little “boring.” However, I was amazed to see that each boy had absorbed the information; when they looked at their coloring sheet, each one told me how the ark in his picture was too small for all the animals to fit on it and there should have been more than two sheep and two birds pictured. This lesson reminded me of children’s amazing capacity to learn and the importance of teaching them the truth. When armed with the truth, our children will be able to discern the lies and the myths bombarding them every day. My encouragement for you this month is that you will remember the words of Solomon and let your mouth “utter truth” to your children and to anyone else that you are teaching. It is the truth that will “set them free”. 

Proverbs 22:6 (ESV) - Train up a child in the way he should go; 
even when he is old he will not depart from it.

2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV) - For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

Proverbs 8:6-7 (ESV) - Hear, for I will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right,for my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

John 8:31-32 (ESV) - 31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Hebrews 4:12a  (ESV) - 12 For the word of God is living and active....

Our Sunday school boys having a lesson on the tower of Babel. 
