A Marriage Begins

Dear Life and Prayer Partners! 

As many of you know from attending, the wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin David McEndarfer is now an official and beautiful part of history. We praise God for sunny weather, safe travels for all our guests, the hard work from many people to make our day special, and the love and joy that surrounded us from all our friends and relatives on June 2nd. We have now safely returned from our honeymoon at the North Carolina beach, our sunburns have worn off, and we are enjoying the cooler climate of summer in Maine, and our two-month marriage anniversary. 

We truly cannot give enough thanks to everyone who helped to make our wedding special! Many of you gave of your time, talents, resources, craftiness, skill, and best of all LOVE to bless and celebrate with us. To us, this is a big part of what made our wedding beautiful and meaningful. We are so blessed to begin marriage with so much support and friendship. THANK YOU!

We have been busily working to keep our promise of “growing in and serving the Lord together as One.” This is a big job and takes a lot of adjustment. We are so thankful for the foundation that we have laid together, for the advice and prayer of the people close to us, and for the power of the Holy Spirit working in us to accomplish this task. Marriage is a reflection of the love the Trinity shares, as well as the relationship of God with His church. When we love well, we represent our Father well. We are enjoying challenge and growth in this area!

We are also thankful to be starting life together in a new apartment, town, and church! We were able to completely set up house within the first week of being back in Maine, thanks to the generosity of all our guests! We’ve also had the pleasure of meeting several neighbors already and are enjoying the friendliness of people in Presque Isle. Our church is a tremendous people – truly “A Family of Servant Missionaries” as their motto states. We also praise the Lord for opening up job opportunities for us. Megan will be starting training as a part-time bank-teller on August 13th, after a quick visit to New York.
We have many exciting PRAYER REQUESTS:
1) Megan is volunteering once a week at a local food pantry. Pray that she may get to know the people she serves and truly be a blessing to them.
2) Benjamin recently submitted three new job applications to businesses in the construction field. Pray that God will open the door that He wants open, giving Benjamin the right job for our family during this first semester of his Senior year in college. 
3) We will be looking at the house next door at 9:30 on Friday, August 3rd. It is listed for a very low price but may need more work than the price-tag is worth. Pray that God will give us discernment in whether or not this house would be a good purchase and investment for us. 
4) We have been offered a college ministry opportunity. We do desire to minister, serve, and learn this year together and will be talking with our pastor and his wife about the opportunity soon. Pray that God will direct us to the ministry He wants us in this year. We already have many personal opportunities to serve people and are thankful! 

Thank you for your loving support! We will be updating you with our most exciting news soon! ;) 

~ Benjamin and Megan McEndarfer
