A New Chapter

Hello Friends,

It has been a long time since my last update. Then, I was announcing my engagement to Benjamin David McEndarfer. Now, I am announcing that we will be married in less than two weeks, on June 2nd, one year to-the-day from when we were engaged!

God has done and taught us a lot in that time. Benjamin has finished the first year of his Associates in Residential Construction (on the Dean's List), while continuing to live at home in Maine and work full-time in pizza-delivery. We are so thankful for the teachers he had this semester and the skills they helped him improve, especially carpentry and writing/presentation. We are also thankful for the church that God led Benjamin to. Calvary Baptist Church, in Caribou, ME, is a short twenty to thirty minutes' drive away from where we will be living. We have been blessed during our conversations with the pastor and his wife and also while fellowshipping with other members of the church during mid-week small group meetings. Benjamin and I are excited about learning, growing and fellowshipping with this church during our time in Maine. We are also excited to be involved in giving back to this church through service as God matures us spiritually this year. 

God has been blessing in New York as well! I have been cashiering part-time at a local grocery store since last September, while continuing to live at home with my parents and working on wedding planning. Working at Tops was a valuable opportunity to serve people from many different circumstances, backgrounds, and systems of belief. I enjoyed starting relationships with some of them, witnessing through words and actions, and being shown my utter dependence on Christ for any good to be done through me. The world needs Christ. He is the One who brings joy, peace, meaning, and fulfillment into our lives.

Though still living about 10 driving hours apart, Benjamin and I have been able to visit each other often this year - though not as often as either of us could wish! ;-) On one recent visit, God miraculously provided us with a lovely and affordable apartment in an area central to where Benjamin will be continuing to work and go to school during our first year of marriage. No one we knew in Maine predicted that we would find as nice an apartment for that price in the area we were looking. Especially not in one week when we had only established 3 contacts for viewing apartments! It was definitely "a God thing" - all glory goes to Him. It is so humbling and fun to watch Him work in even the little things. Two weeks ago He gave us perfect weather for loading, driving, and unloading a trailer-load of belongings from NY to ME, when rain had originally been predicted. God is good. All the time. 

Benjamin and I know this. We are confident in God's goodness. We have spent long hours counseling. We have prayed. We are both confirmed that marriage, in 12 short days, is God's will for our lives and are committed to seeking His help each and every day to honor Him in all things and follow His will together. However, your prayers are certainly appreciated and important as we begin this new chapter of life! Specific PRAYERS for these next few weeks are:
  • That I would be restored to complete health; I've been fighting a cold for the past two weeks and a stomach bug recently. 
  • For out of town guests that are coming for the wedding. The Aardsma family is hosting many of them - pray that they all travel safely and that everyone's time together will be blessed.
  • For wedding preparations and actual day to go smoothly. 
  • Most importantly, please pray for Benjamin and I as we begin building our future together, and also that our marriage and testimony leading up to the wedding day would bless those watching and attending. 

Thank you for all of your support. 

This photo is of Maine in spring, showing a beautiful sky that could be either sunrise or sunset. Benjamin took this photo while driving. I feel as though that's how all of life's beautiful and meaningful moments are captured. Purposefully, but while traveling, between sunrise and sunset of each of life's chapters. We hope to find purpose every day by serving God well in what He has put before us, but we also hope not to miss the moments that require intention to catch the deeper meaning and purpose.
